Audio Visual Works
2016 - 2019
2016 - 2019
Collision Grounds (2019)
Anya Stewart Maggs and Joanne Armitage
An audio visual installation and live coding performance, exploring the tactile, reptitive patterns that occur across nature, sound, and in digital technology.
Watch the central video here
Poor Image Projects 7, Assembly House, Leeds. Part of Index Festival 2019
Photos by Jules Lister. Poor Image Projects’ Index Festival events were supported by Lumen Arts, Arts Council
England and Leeds Inspired.
It spreads through the crowd (2016)
A two screen audio-visual installation that acted as a ‘call and response’ between between performer and crowd. Part of a larger body of research that explored the gathering of people in gigs, clubs, and historic episodes of mass hysteria.
ebc007 East Bristol Contemporary, Bristol
And Again Degree Show, University of Leeds
Anya Stewart Maggs and Joanne Armitage
An audio visual installation and live coding performance, exploring the tactile, reptitive patterns that occur across nature, sound, and in digital technology.
Watch the central video here
Poor Image Projects 7, Assembly House, Leeds. Part of Index Festival 2019
Photos by Jules Lister. Poor Image Projects’ Index Festival events were supported by Lumen Arts, Arts Council
England and Leeds Inspired.
It spreads through the crowd (2016)
A two screen audio-visual installation that acted as a ‘call and response’ between between performer and crowd. Part of a larger body of research that explored the gathering of people in gigs, clubs, and historic episodes of mass hysteria.
ebc007 East Bristol Contemporary, Bristol
And Again Degree Show, University of Leeds